Environmental impact prediction of radionuclides migration through groundwater at a repository with Low-Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste;
Localization of nuclide in substantial structure along the Meridian;
Enhancing the Value of Nuclide Myocardial Imaging in Clinical Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease;
This article deals mainly with the present state of the research on this subject and the immobilization mechanism of nuclides.
Study on dynamical behavior of nuclides transportation in subsurface flow is a critical part of a performance assessment for an underground repository for radioactive waste.
By using a sphere-packing model of nuclei and classical computational method,a new formula for calculating the specific binding energy of nuclides is given.
Advances in radionuclide for radioimmunotherapy;
Analysis of radionuclide none imaging in the diagnosis of bone metastasis of carcinoma;
The effect of immobile water volume in porous medium on radionuclide transport of radioactive waste disposal in saturated\|unsaturated zone is studied.
在预测溶质运移 ,尤其是低中放废物处置场中的核素在包气带与含水层中的迁移时 ,需要考虑介质中不流动水体的影响 ,否则 ,会影响预测结果的可靠性 。
Based on the theoretical analysis of the values of the macrodispersivity and retardation coefficient,the radionuclide migration in groundwater at an uranium mill-tailing site in southern China was simulated with hydrogeochemical program PHREEQC Ⅱ.