point guard



1)point guard,得分后卫2)shooting guard,得分后卫3)Scores,得分4)score,得分5)scoring,得分6)bull point,得分7)abtain points,得分8)run,score,得分9)factor scores,因子得分10)factor score,因子得分


Compared with other methods,scores and loadings of the nonlinear principal component analysis(NLPCA) method have the same interpretations as linear Principal Component Analysis(PCA).


Based on scores of the basketball games,this study analyzes 67 indexes of scores from the video of 6 games in 2005-2006 NBA playoffs.


By reviewing literatures,this analyzes the scores of basketball teams in Fourteenth Women Basketball World Championship,especially Chinese team.


The proposed method has the following advantages over traditional methods: first, it has conceptually the same explanation as linear PCA, and gives the calculation methods of nonlinear principal scores and loadings; second, it adopts three-layer neural network, which is simple in structure and easy to be trained.


Analyzed the score s feature and regularity of the first eight athletes of Guangdong Collegiate Women s Heptathlon with some documents and statistics,the result shows that the score in long jump and high jump of this group has the least difference with the national collegiate of highest quality.

运用文献资料和数理统计等方法,对广东省第7届大学生运动会女子乙组七项全能比赛前8名各单项得分的特征与规律进行了分析,结果表明:该组别跳远和跳高2个跳跃项目的得分与全国大学生最高水平群体的得分差距最小,基本属于同一水平;其他项目的得分差距较大,铅球、800 m和200 m 3个项目的得分与全国大学生运动会相比存在显著性差异;此外,她们在跑、跳类项目的得分能力较强,投掷类项目得分能力较弱,这一得分规律与全国大学生运动会和全国前8名运动员的情况趋同。

The players are adapting to the new rule and are able to score effectively,but they have not plenty of stamina.


Study of Chinese women s volleyball team s scoring in 2005 International Women s Volleyball Master Competition(China);


The Analyses of U.S men s Basketball Player s Main Scoring Methods in The 26th Olympic Games;


Based on the core factor of scoring which decides the winning and losing of the basketball game,through analyzing statistical data of 66 indexes of score and offense that got from the video of 8 games between 7 European strong teams in the 15th Man s Basketball World Championships.


In this paper,the factor analysis is applied to study the correlationship between six elements and obtain the factor scores.


The ridge estimation of factor score in factor analysis;


According to the data in Hubei statistical yearly book of 1999, nine indexes for evaluating economic benefit in 61 countries/cities are quantitatively evaluated using methods of principal component analysis, factor score and cluster analysis.


Moreover, 3 synthetic factors are extracted from the nine variables: the first is related to the scale and benefit of the corporation, the second is related to profitability factor, and the third is the each shares of value of the stock, and give the method which calculates the factor scores to weight these stocks’ financial.


