南海东软信息技术职业学院(简称“南海东软学院”)是广东省人民政府批准、教育部备案的一所全日制普通高等学校,成立于2002年,是广东省首批省级示范性软件学院、国家技能型紧缺人才培养基地。学院由东软集团、亿达集团共同投资创办,教育层次包括高中起点的普通三年制大专和示范性软件学院两年制大专;还与英国格林威治大学合作办学。另外,也开展面向企业、政府和个人的终身教育和在线教育培训服务。学院以“教育创造学生价值”为办学理念,强调“知识的运用比知识的拥有更重要”,实行独创的“1321”教学和SOVO大学生创业中心的实践教学新模式,下设计算机科学与技术系、信息技术与商务管理系、数字艺术系、英语系和日语系,共开设有软件技术、计算机应用技术、动漫设计与制作、电脑艺术设计、电子商务等26个IT相关专业,是一所国际化、实用化、创新型的专业IT学院。 学院坐落在广东省四大软件园之一的
广州,园区内IT和教育氛围浓郁;依山傍水、风景优美、教学设施先进、师资力量雄厚。现有在校生7000多人,2010年计划招生2100人。学院坐落在广东省四大软件园之一的佛山市南海科技园内,毗邻广州,园区内IT和教育氛围浓郁;依山傍水、风景优美、教学设施先进、师资力量雄厚。现有在校生7000多人,2010年计划招生2100人。 Neosoft Institute of Information Technology, Nanhai (Nanhai Neusoft Institute) is a full-time college founded in 2002 with the approval of the Guangdong provincial government and registration with the Ministry of Education. Nanhai Neusoft Institute is one of the first institutes to be designated as a Guangdong provincial model software institute and a national training base for much-needed professionals. Nanhai Neusoft Institute, co-founded by Neusoft Group and Dalian Software Park, offers 3-year and 2-year programms, and international education programs. Meanwhile, the Institute also offers various continuing education and e-learning programs for enterprises, government departments, and individuals. Nanhai Neusoft Institute adheres to the ducational philosophy that ‘Education creates students’ value’ and stresses ‘The utilization of knowledge is more important than having it’. Nanhai Neusoft initiated the unique ‘1321’ system and the SOVO model. Nanhai Institute consists of the Department of Computer Science and Technology, the Department of information Technology and Business Management, the Department of Digital Arts, the Department of English, and the Department of Japanese. As a globalized IT institute with focuses on practicality and innovation, the Institute offers programs for 33 IT or Pan-IT majors such as multi-media technology, computer application technology, information management, animation design and production, digital art, e-commerce.Located in the Nanhai Information Technology Park, one of the four software parks in Guangdong province, and near Guangzhou, our school is immersed in a rich IT atmosphere as well as an academic one. The campus enjoys a beautiful landscape with hills and lakes. Meanwhile, we are equipped with advanced teaching facilities and abundant teacher resources. Currently we have 7000 full-time students, a number that is expected to reach 8000 by 2010.