-Brief Introduction to Jieyang Hemei Kindergarten-Primary School 孩子入学前三年一般被理解为幼小衔接阶段,这是一个特殊的转折时段,需要为孩子做好足够的主体适应准备。 The stage of 3 years before children’s entering primary school is generally defined as the Connection Phase between kindergarten and primary school. This is a special transitional stage. Therefore, it is necessary for the educators to help the children to make adequate preparations to adapt themselves to the new learning environment. 作为一个拥有一体化衔接优势的学园,和美学习中心(幼儿园)以开放教育的基本理念审视幼小衔接,为孩子一生发展负责,历来非常重视这项工作。 To ensure the students’ sustainable developoment, Hemei International School has been attaching great importance to the research topic on connection education between different learning periods. Meanwhile, our school has the advantage of conducting such research since we provide K-12 education within the same campus. We are now having a kindergarten-primary school connection program. 在课程设置上,由小学教育专家、学前教育专家及留学归国课程专家强强合作,量身订做中、英课程,为孩子做好学习适应性准备; First, to prepare the students to learn primary school curriculum, with in-depth research and adequate communication of a professional team composed of educational experts from primary school and kindergarten, and speicalists who studied abroad, appropriate Chinese and English curricula have been designed and well implemented. 在班级选址,作息时间、混龄交往、常规习惯等方面向小学靠近,实地浸润在小学的学习生活氛围之中,为其做好社会适应性准备。 Then, to help the children to make preparation for social adaptation, the children are immersed in the primary school setting in every respect, such as their daily schedule, socialization with primary school students, routine and habit requirements, etc., which help a lot for the kindergarten children to adapt to the new environment.