How to find information about human genes and hereditary disorders with OMIM;
Analysis of genetic covariances was made between plant height at different growing stages and eating and cooking qualitative traits of rice.
进一步分解各项遗传协方差分量发现,不同性质遗传相关分量差异也较大,表观直链淀粉含量(AAC) ,胶稠度(GC) ,粘度速测仪(RVA) 谱与株高的相关性主要以加性相关( CA/Am 和CA/Am) 和细胞质相关( CC/C) 为主。
In the article, the linkage strengty of genes is expressed using linkage value, the mathematic expression of genetic covariance of two characters in F 2 and backoross generations with K pairs of linkage genes effecting two characters separatively is extended, and the resolution form of its component is obtained.
Genetic covariances bewteen these two sets of traits were studied with a mixedlinear model method.