Diagnosis of Radiography Image of Arthropathies in Patients with Hemophilia;
Testing study on Chinese version of "Canadian hemophilia outcomes-kids' life assessment tool";
A review of holistic care model for patients with hemophilia in China and western countries;
Prenatal diagnosis in eleven families with hemophilia A of inversion negative in intron 22 of factor Ⅷ gene;
Recombinant Factor Ⅷ for Treatment of Patients with Hemophilia A in China;
Analysis and Detected the Intron Repeat Sequence of Facor Ⅷ Gene Polymorphism with Hemophilia A and Their Family Members;
Perioperative management of children suffering from haemophilia;
Observations of Four Haemophilia Patients Infected with HIV;
TSAH(Traumatic Subarachnoid Haemorrhage),is not seldom seen in forensic pathological practice and clinical medicolegal expertise however,relevant reports about the phenomena that haemophiliacs suffer from simple TSAH when their heads or faces are slightly hurt are relatively rare.
外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血(Traumatic Subarachnoid Haemorrhage,简称TSAH)在法医病理实践和临床法医鉴定中并不少见,但有关血友病人在头面部轻微外伤后出现单纯性TSAH的相关报道较少,在临床法医鉴定中有一起损伤和疾病同时存在的特殊案例,在该案例鉴定中有一些体会值得借鉴。
Haemophilia b is a kind of serious cruor-defective inhering diseaes.
血友病B是一种严重的凝血功能缺陷遗传病 ,由于现行的治疗方法对血友病B的治疗效果均不令人满意。
In order to establish coagulation factor Ⅸ gene knockout mouse for human haemophilia B, 2×105 phage plaques of 129Sv mouse genomic library were screened with plaque in situ hybridization screening with 32P-labeled cDNA probe 5 positive clones were finally obtained.