learning to study



1)learn to study,学会学习2)Learning to Learn,学会学习3)learning how to learn,学会学习4)learning to study,学会学习5)learn how to learn,学会学习6)experience,学习体会


As knowledge-economy age and learning society are approaching, ‘learn to study has become an educational tendency characterized by times, and one of ‘learn to study marks tend to be good at managing the leaner itself in terms of study.


We should make students learn to study by strengthening the teaching and training, cultivating students to master the tactics of study and improving its level of application.

科学技术迅速发展、知识总量不断增长的信息时代 ,研究、应用学习策略具有重要意义 ,培养学生掌握学习策略非常必要 ,我们必须加强对学生学习策略教学和训练 ,积极培养学生掌握学习策略 ,提高学习策略应用水平 ,使学生学会学

Learning to Learn Technology: The Way to Learn Information Technology;


To cultivate talents who suit to the development of society must teach students "learning to learn".


What is meant by skills and strategies with the notion of learning to learn; 2.


Meanwhile, it expounds the importance and necessity of learning how to learn.

为此 ,必须进一步深化教育教学改革 ,全面加强素质教育 ,树立新的学习理念 ,掌握学会学习的本领。

It also discusses the necessity and urgency of learning to study from the point that "functional illiterate" can not survive the modern society and the necessary knowledge and techniques for college students survival in the new century.

从新世纪呼唤学习观念的更新、学习方式的变革、学习手段的创新论述了新世纪大学生学会学习的重要性 ,从“功能性文盲”在现代化社会将无法生存和新世纪大学生生存必备的知识和技能两方面论述了学会学习的必要性和紧迫

To university students, learning to study is a objective need of social development as well as an indispensible way to become useful persons.

特别是对当代大学生来说 ,学会学习既是社会发展的客观要求 ,也是大学生成才的必经之途。

Differentiating and analyzing some dialectiacl relations and guiding ideology is helpful to construct some teaching strategies of meta-learning ability from the insight of instructional theory so as to make students learn how to learn.


In such a process, she feels that in order to train the ability of doing original and innovative research, one must learn how to learn, learn how to think and learn how to develop.


Learning to Study in Cooperation and to Cooperate in Studying;


Learning Study:An Important Factor of MBA English Learning;


From passive learning to active and cooperative learning --Study on the theories and rules of the teaching reforming of school PE curriculum;


The main objective is to make the student capable of“ Learning To Learn”.


Awaking Students Potential and Giving Guidance in Their Learning;

激发学生潜力 引导大学生学会学习

To Instinct Students in Studying Series of Subjects and Help Them to Learn How to Study;

开展系列课程学习指导 帮助学生学会学习

The experimental Report on the Effects of the Practical Use of the Textbook Primary Mathematics Learning Strategies on Children’s way of Learning Mathematics;


A harmonious society needs to learn from, again!


Teaching--Teaching the Student to Learn,Learning--Learning How to Learn Well--On the Application of the Theory of Learning-centered in English Teaching;


Human·Learning·Learning Ability--Philosophical Thinking on Construction of Learning Society;


Study Society: Moving towards the Aesthetic Study of University Students;


and we will even study in virtual schools.


Lifelong Education and Lifelong Study in the Learning Society;


Learning Supermarket-a Choice to Promote Learning Society;


Lifelong learning and the learning society;

构建终身学习体系 建设学习型社会

On the Conception of Self-controlling Learning in Bandura s Social Learning Theory;


Constructing Emulating Labor Union and Making Great Efforts on Being Emulating Staff Members;

建设学习型工会 争当学习型职工

Proposing the Idea of Lifelong Study, Constructing the Basis of Studying Society;

倡导终生学习观念 建设“学习型”社会

