The indirect access method of storing the entity and the table separately is used extensive, and easy to understand.
This passage describes how to use the multichannel buffered serial port(McBSP) and the direct memory access(DMA) in the digital signal processors(DSP) to interface to a universal asyn- chronous receiver/transmitter(UART).
(McBSP)和直接存取存储器(DMA)与通用异步串口(UART)实现通信的一种方法包含有正确的硬件配置和软件流程,实现了将同步串口McB-SP发送的数据模拟成异步串口UART可接收的数据格式;将发送的数据转变成RS-232标准格式;利用 MCBSP接收并解码 UART发送的数据。