The algorithm of adaptive frame rate up conversion with field frame detection for high quality video format conversion is applied in the chip, which can convert PAL 50 Hz interlaced picture into 50~65 Hz progressive picture, or NTSC 60 Hz interlaced picture into 60~70 Hz progressive picture.
该芯片采用了具有场帧检测的隔行到逐行自适应帧频提升算法 ,实现了可调的隔行到逐行帧频提升 ,而且该芯片综合应用了黑 /白电平扩展、图像边缘保持的二维滤波、彩色瞬态改善 (CTI)、色度空间转换 (CSC)、伽马校正等视频处理模块及四路嵌入式D/A等技术 ,并采用 0 。
First,single frame detection is performed,and then the logical "or" operation of multi-frame images are used to obtain a binary planar projective image.