Batched Job



1)Batched Job,整批工作2)batched job,批量工作3)approval work,报批工作4)checkup workflow,审批工作流5)Authorized Works,批准的工作6)put in order work,整治工作


Firstly, the information security problems of checkup workflow in PDM are discussed.


Excellent Work for Approval on National Military Standard and Ensuring Quality

努力做好国家军用标准报批工作 确保标准质量

All parties work from the same body of information.


Article 16 The procedure of submitting reports for approval must be performed for all archaeological excavations.

第十六条 一切考古发掘工作, 都必须履行报批手续。

Workers of state organs who abuse their authority by retaliating against or framing accusers, petitioners, criticizers, or informants, in the name of conducting official business


Careful Review on Project Commencement Report and Control on Project Quality in Advance;


Any prospecting report without such comprehensive assessment shall not be approved.


That is to say, fundamentally the paper made no self-criticism.


In face, the participants often search out a new partner the way they would a new job, one critic noted.


The Central Committee and the provincial and county committees must submit annual reports to their respective congresses, listen to their criticisms and answer their questions.


During your staying in Hangzhou, do not seek or receive payment for any work if you get no permission from the competent authorities of Chinese Government to avoid illegal working.


A stricter reporting, registration and approval system will be exerted for existing electromagnetic radiation and radioactive pollution sources and new sources in this regard.


Management over the report and registration of existing electric-magnetic radiation and radioactive sources and radioactive waste shall be strengthened, and the approval of new project shall be tightened.


The Work for Pre-project: The permanence foundation occupied is538 mu, the foundation occupied temporarily is623 mu and the project is being reported for the examination and approval.


It consisted in falsifying a series of production reports of two years ago, in such a way as to cast discredit on a prominent member of the Inner Party, who was now under a cloud.


The rules governing the bearing and using of fire arms by the Customs officer shall be drawn up by the Customs General Administration in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Security and approved by the State Council.


The establishment of a basic-level trade union shall be submitted to a higher-level trade union for approval.


Some co-operative directors cannot hold their heads up because they are being attacked right and left and have to endure criticisms from above and from the press.


In the case of large-scale projects to enclose sea areas, the statements must also be submitted to the environmental protection department under the State Council for examination and approval.


