p-HPF is a HPF parallel compiling system designed by us for parallel programming on cluster workstations.
p-HPF是一个基于cluster体系结构的HPF并行编译系统 ,它不仅支持数据并行计算范例 ,而且也支持任务并行范例。
Then a certain DAD structure used by p-HPF parallel compiling system is introduced in detail.
从网络并行计算的一般需求出发,讨论了分布数组描述DAD(distributed array descriptor)的内容和结构,具体给出了p-HPF并行编译系统的DAD结构定义。
Architecture of teaching experiment environment system with MPI parallel programming;
The Parallel Programming Technology of PVM on Cluster;
Design and Implementation of a Lightweight Grid-Enabled MPI-Like Parallel Programming Framework;
Tests showed that this parallel compilation strategy more effectively supports implicitly data parallelism than the Intel compiles EFC and that the optimization techniques speed up parallel program execution.
Computation partition is one of the most important problems in parallel compilation and optimization.
This paper will discuss the key tech-niques of parallel compilation based on distributed memory systems from four aspects including parallel programming model,code and data distribution,communication optimization and code generation issues.
Computation and data decompositions are key factors of parallel compiler on distributed memory parallel computers.
This paper comes out the features of non- perfect nested loop and its useful transformation in parallel compiler on the basis of the experience of implement of AFT which is a automatic parallelize system and analysis of some benchmark.
Data partition is the key technique of parallel compiler on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers(DMPCs).