Two order two stage explicit symplectic scheme and its stablity for the four-order rod vibration equation;
In integration, explicit formulation has been used with the lumped mass matrix so that it facilitates the calculation of the displacement and ayoids the convergence problem caused by the nonlinearities in material, geom.
In this paper, an economical explicit scheme is used to integrate two high resolution numerial prediction models.
Based on the actual structure and specific working character of disk spring,experimentation was done on combination disk spring and the process of continuous load as well as load—unload of congruent disk spring was imitated with nonlinear explicit algorithm of the finite element software ANSYS/LS—DYNA.
Parallel algorithm for explicit integration method in nonlinear dynamic structural analysis;
The accuracy of characteristic analysis is as necessary for an explicit integration scheme as the stability property.
, explicit integration method and implicit integration method.
To ensure the calculation precision and efficiency of the tube hydroforming process when using the dynamic explicit FEM,the effect of the virtual loading time was taken into account herein.
A finite element analysis program DESSFORM3D for the simulation of sheet forming process using dynamic explicit algorithm is developed.
本文基于连续介质力学及有限变形理论 ,建立了用于三维板料成形过程分析的有限元模型 ,开发了动力显式算法的板料成形过程模拟的有限元分析程序DESSFORM3D。
In integration,the dynamic explicit algorithm has b een used with the lumped mass matrix so that it facilitates the calculation of t he displacement and a.
The theory of the static implicit and dynamic explicit elasto plastic finite element method was overviewed in this paper.
对隐式静力和显式动力弹塑性有限元的理论进行了分析 ,并将这两种算法应用于轧制过程的模拟计算中 ,计算结果基本相符。
The intelligent fitting method for binary nonlinear polynomials was presented in order to obtain a high precise and simple form explicit equation for calculating the friction factor.