A Direct Modeling Method of the Unbiased GM(1,1);
After analyzed the traditional GM(1,1) gray model and unbiased gray model,the unbiased new information model of equal dimension is promoted.
By analysing the differential equation of GM(1,1),this paper gives an unbiased GM(1,1) model and proposes a new method of estimation of the GM(1,1)model parameters.
通过分析GM (1,1)白化方程的解析表达式 ,建立了无偏的GM (1,1)模型 ,给出了估计模型参数的新方法。
[Results] The values monitored were of logarithmic normal distribution; unbiased estimations of mean and standard deviation of MLE were 34.
[结果]该现场劳动卫生测定资料服从对数正态分布;MLE均值和标准差无偏估计分别为3 4。
By using the theory of judgement as a starting point the condition of unbiased estimation was offered so as to obtain the unbiased estimation of the parameter when loss was strictly convex .
本文主要从判决理论的观点出发,给出使用无偏估计的条件,求参数的无偏估计,在损失为严凸的情况下,先找一个完全统计量,再找任一无偏估计^g( X) ,计算条件期望 E(^g| T) 即可。
Unbiased estimation performance for finite snapshots is discussed in this paper.