A low-power bitline architecture in SRAM was proposed, the low bitline voltage was realized by incorporating two techniques.
For many years,the impaction of watershed morphologic and topographic structure and spatio-temporal variation of rainfall on unit hydrograph has been the key question in studying method of watershed flow routing.
Two unit hydrographs derived separately by the analysis method and the moments method are used to simulate a flood hydrograph in this basin.
A method to derive unit hydrographs for sub-areas of distributed model based on area-time relation was proposed.
Isohath and its application of hydrologic situation during flood seasons in Taihu Basin;
Analyzing design flood line with ArcGIS software is used to illustrate the feasibility of analyzing design flood line with GIS vector-grid integration space-analyzing.
This paper introduces the principle of the basin confluence and the method for predicting the flood processing in the outlet of the basin with the unit line method, and expounds the concept of the unit line, the predicting method and time transforming in the practical application and puts forward the problems noticed in applications.