Initially, clock-drivers were made from discrete components or special-driving integrated circuits.
Uncompressing drive %1 could take from several minutes to an hour, depending on the speed of your drive.
按照驱动器的速度,解压缩驱动器 %1 会花数分钟到一个小时的时间。
Clock motor operated running time meter furnished for each motor and actuated by motor starter auxiliary contacts.
Compressing drive %1 could take from several minutes to an hour, depending on the speed of your drive.
按照驱动器的速度不同,压缩驱动器 %1 的时间大约会花几分钟到一个小时不等的时间。
Finally, the time delay compensation controller is designed for NCS when the controller is event-driven.
Upgrading drive %1 could take from several minutes to an hour, depending on the speeds of your computer and drive.
按照计算机及驱动器的速度,升级驱动器 %1 大约会花数分钟到一个小时的时间。
clock, master, battery, accumulator or mains powered
The Design of P89LPC935 Actuation Numerical Code Tube Demonstrate the Clock;
Design of Clock Generation and Drive Circuits in High Speed CIS System
time code lamp driver
Analysis and Design of Low-Jitter Clock Driver for Wideband ADC
Research on 852nm Tunable Fiber Laser for Cs Atomic Clock Pumping Source
Uncompressing drive %1 may take about an hour, depending on the speed of your drive.
按照驱动器的速度,解压缩驱动器 %1 时会花大约一个小时的时间。
Uncompressing drive %1 could take from one to several hours, depending on the speed of your drive.
按照驱动器的速度,解压缩驱动器 %1 时会花费一到数小时的时间。
CE-ROM drive
When you uncompress drive %1, it will be removed, and drive %2 will contain %3 of free space.
当您解压缩驱动器 %1 时,会删除这驱动器,同时驱动器 %2 的可用空间会有 %3。
150-minute timer with auto cool down.
The fastest rotated speed of principal axis motor of optical disc driver has reached about 12000rpm nowadays.