stripper tank



1)stripper tank,种板槽2)stripping tank,种板槽3)starting sheet,种板4)titanium mother board,钛种板5)variety plate,品种板6)protecting seeds device,护种板7)blank of nickel buckles,镍扣种板8)dissimilar plate welding,异种板9)RH,辐射杂种板10)somatic cell hybrid panel,体细胞杂种板


The material and design of titanium mother board,the material of hanging ear, the fastening manner between titanium and hanging ear, the manner of wraping border of titanium, and the uses of titanium in traditional copper electrolysis were presented.

介绍了在传统铜电解生产中 ,钛种板的材质、设计、挂耳材质与联接方式、包边以及使用情

This article puts forward ideas for the production of optimized variety plate,enhances variety plate output by a large margin and achieves prominent economic efficiency and social benefits through analysis of production features in terms of variety plate with Q345 series plate as typical product.

通过分析 Q3 45系列板为代表的品种板的生产特点 ,提出的优化品种板生产的思路 ,大幅度提高了品种板产量 ,取得显著的经济效益和社会效

The seeding wheel,the cleaning-seeds mechanism,the protecting seeds device and the forced seeding mechanism were analyzed.


The SUNbRH panel was employed to determined the precise location of FABGL gene.


The SUNbRH panel was employed to determine the precise location .

以中国西门塔尔牛肝脏组织为材料,运用同源序列克隆技术并结合RT-PCR技术,对牛ACAS 2基因的部分cDNA进行了克隆与序列分析,应用SUN bRH 7000型辐射杂种板对分离的牛ACAS 2基因进行了染色体定位。

