test bar



1)test bar,试样棒2)test rod,试样棒3)Standard sample stick,标准试样棒4)specimen,试样5)Sample,试样6)test sample,试样7)Test piece,试样8)samples,试样9)coupling coupon,试样10)test pencil,试样


The relevant tensile test specimens were designed and tested; then the test results were compared and analyzed to obtain the ultimate bearing stress.


Elastic-plastic stress fields on the crack-tips were obtained by use of the finite element analysis to the single edge notched bend(SENB) and single edge notched tension(SENT) specimens of irradiated A533B pressure vessel steel at-60 ℃,-40 ℃,-20 ℃temperatures and at various loading levels.


Two measures for increasing accuracy of spectral analysis was introduced:a)improving specimen design; b)paying attention to making the checking-measuring curve.


On the importance of undisturbed soil sample s preparation in geotechnical test;


The macroscopical survey and micro cosmic analysis of unqualified cold bending test samples of Q235and HP295hot -rolling plate had been stu died.


The effects of different preparation of beer samples on the determination of beer concentration were investigated in the aspects of alcohol content, real extract and original extract, and preliminary study on its contributing factors was also done in this paper.

研究了不同啤酒试样制备方法对测定啤酒中酒精度、真正浓度、原麦汁浓度所产生的影响 ,并初步探讨了影响因

The preparation technology of test sample in infrared absorption spectroscopy analysis;


This paper theoretically analyzes the additional stress of test sample caused by inaccurate axisymmetric stress distribution of the upper and lower grip of tension tester and the meaning of e calculation formula.

主要从理论上分析了由于试验机上下夹头不同轴给试样所带来的附加应力,以及同轴度e计算公式的 内在涵义,实际上反映了附加弯曲应力占拉应力的百分数。

Discussion of tensile property and test piece location;


In this paper, on the basis of practice, an analysis ismade on the different effects of the surface cementation pre-vention of the casted steel in casting and in inspecting test piece,and a law is reached, i.


Through analysing the samples;finding the factors that effect the accuracy of the results and eliminating the disturbances that can improve the accuracy of the examination an employ its complete, rapid and accurote function that beat benefit to the production.


