hexad axis



1)hexad axis,六次轴2)six fold axis,六次轴3)six,六次4)6th harmonic generation,六次谐波5)sextic curve,六次曲线6)equation of sixth degree,六次方程7)6th National Labor Congress,六次劳大8)six speeches,六次演讲9)sextic polynomial,六次型10)cubo-cubic transformation,六次变换


In the field of Chinese ancient humanity thoughts,we have ever experienced six enlightenments.


We review the basic principles and existing problems of the photoemission spectrometer (PES), and then describe an ultrahigh-resolution PES using the 6th harmonic generation of an Nd:YVO4 laser as an optical source.


Mr Sun Zhongshan came to Zhejiang many times from 1912 to 1916 and made six speeches.

中山先生于 1 91 2~ 1 91 6年多次来浙江 ,先后作过六次演讲 ,较为集中地反映出中山先生对浙江改造的思想与主张 :第一 ,实施民生主义 ,这是中山先生针对浙江也是改造中国的一个纲领性思想与主张 ;第二 ,浙江应成为中国的楷模 ;第三 ,浙江存在的问题 ;第四 ,浙江改造的三项具体措施。

Using Toeplitz matrix,the feature that the sum of the length of two sides is larger than that of the other side and the linearity transformation, the positive semi-definite sextic polynomial are derived, that is,L m(m=1,2,3,4,5),M n,B n(n=1,2,3,4) and the concrete expressions of G 1,G 2.

应用Toeplitz矩阵、三角形两边之和大于第三边的性质与线性交换 (x ,y ,z) =(a ,b ,c)θ(0 ) ,给出了半正定三元六次型Lm(m =1,2 ,3,4 ,5 ) ,Mn,Bn(n =1,2 ,3,4 )和G1,G2 的具体表达式 ,然后给出主要结果Lm,Mn,G1,G2 ,B1,B2 及B3 +B4∈Q(A) 。

