h loss



1)h loss,氢损耗2)hydrogen loss,氢损耗3)hydrogen induced loss,氢损4)Hydrogen damage,氢损伤5)hydrogen damage,氢损坏6)hydrogen attack,氢损伤7)hydrogen damage resistance,抗氢损伤性能8)hydrogen peroxide-induced injury,过氧化氢损伤9)hydrogen damage,氢脆,氢破坏,氢损坏


The mechanism and origin of hydrogen induced loss in optical fiber cables as well as detection of hydrogen escape from cable materials are preented.

该文简述了光缆中氢损的机理、氢损的来源和光缆用材料析氢量的检测 ;根据新的 IEC规范 ,介绍了相关光纤氢老化试验的程序和各种结构的光缆在不同应用环境下氢损效应评价必要性的导则。

The types of hydrogen damages of materials in refinery wet hydrogen sulfide environment and corrosion mechanisms were described and the techniques for determining the sensitivity of different materials to hydrogen damages were presented.

阐述了炼油厂湿硫化氢环境下材料氢损伤的表现形式、腐蚀机理 ,并提出判定各种材料对氢损伤敏感程度的方

5 mol / L H_2SO_4 so-lution, the critical current density to cause hydrogen damage is 20 mA / cm~2.


It was pointed out that the hydrogen damage occurred in the inner wall of the tubes due to the bad steam-water quality is the main cause of the tube explosion.

用金相试验方法分析 1号和 2号锅炉水冷壁多次爆泄情况,认为由于汽水品质不良引起管内壁氢损伤是造成管子爆泄的主要原因,并提出相应的处理意见。

The results show that operating at the high temperature and local temperature overrun are the direct causes for the high temperature creep failures of the reforme tubes, while hydrogen attack accelerates the embattlement of the reformer tubes.

结果表明 ,高温操作及短时局部过热是炉管发生高温蠕变失效的直接原因 ,而氢损伤加速了转化炉炉管的脆化。

Hydrogen can cause hydrogen attack to the steel material while CO 2 can lead to the corrosion and spitting corrosion of the process equipment.

氢气可以使金属材料产生氢损伤 ,二氧化碳水溶液可引起设备产生全面腐蚀和点蚀。

AIM: To observe the change of Guanxi Suhe Pill(GXSH) in cardiomyocytes suffering from hydrogen peroxide-induced injury due to replacement of Aristolochia debilis sieb.


