inverse chill



1)inverse chill,逆冷硬(铸疵)2)inverted chill,逆冷硬(铸疵)3)reverse chill,逆冷硬(铸疵)4)internal chill,逆冷硬(铸疵),内冷铁5)reversible cold rolling mill,可逆冷轧6)reversible cold mill,可逆冷轧机7)reversing cold mill,可逆冷轧机8)reversing cold rolling mill,可逆冷轧机9)cold rolling mill,可逆冷连轧10)reversible cold strip mill,可逆冷轧机


This article has described the process of the reversible cold rolling mill and the constitution of the equipments, meanwhile the design highlight of the screw down standards has been expounded as well.


According to the practice of reversible cold mill,a simple iteration method is used to solve the nonlinear equations which are based on the load distribution,and the total passes and interstand-thickness are obtained.


Based on the rolling feature and practice of reversible cold mill,a new calculating method to determine the load distribution is put forward by means of nonlinear equations.

根据可逆冷轧机的生产特点 ,采用一种通过直接求解非线性方程组来确定负荷分配的方法。

The application of automatic shutdown to the reversing cold mill control system;


Multilevel tension PLC control system for a 120?mm reversing cold mill;


Application of STD industrial control computer in the gauge control system for reversing cold mill;


The application of BP neural network to AFC(Auto Flatness Control) is studied,and a control algorithm based on BP neural network is offered Simulation by computer using data got out of double stand reversing cold rolling mill of USTB is investigated The results show that this algorithm can be applicated to AFC and it′s results are goo

经用北京科技大学高效轧制国家工程研究中心双机架可逆冷轧机实测数据进行仿真验证 ,表明该模型具有较高的控制精度。

The tension control of some double stand reversing cold rolling mill was accomplished.


The computer control system of double stand reversing cold rolling mill in University of Science and Technology Beijing are accomplished.

对北京科技大学高效轧制国家工程研究中心的试验轧机 -双机架可逆冷连轧机计算机控制系统中的仪表配置、系统组成、厚度控制、顺序控制和板形控制进行了介绍和研究 ,着重对基础自动化控制系统配置和厚度控制进行了分析 ,提出了在控制系统中增加激光测速仪 ,采用流量AGC的控制方案 ,解决了传统AGC控制方案中存在的系统大滞后不易稳定的缺点和厚度计AGC控制方案中存在的测量精度太低的缺

The project has been applied to the gauge control system of 1650 mm reversible cold strip mill in Tanggang.


