discontinuous sintering



1)discontinuous sintering,间歇烧结2)batch,间歇3)intermittent,间歇4)Intermittence,间歇5)intermittency,间歇6)intermission,间歇


Batch Hgdrogenation of Fat Under Pressure;


A single column batch azeotropic distillation method applying to separation of ethanol-water system is suggested.


A model has been developed to simulate the operation of multicomponent batch distillation with holdup by a plate to plate method,and has been programmed with FORTRAN.


It can be divided into two kinds, continuous disintegration pool and intermittent disintegration pool.


This paper introduces the latest results of high-speed and intermittent atomization of graphite cream.


A Study for the Time-division and Characteristics of the Three States of Confrontation, Offense and Defense, and Intermittence in Wushu Sanda Competitions;


The main body of a book is studied mainly in self dyadic transformation intermittence oil extraction machine,is makes use of may that serial nature SRAM only easy loss designs out to remember navar and their control procedure.


In terms of methods and combined with the movemnt characteristics of basketball and chemical principles, the essay describes the intermittence coaching method appliation function, characteristics and requirements in the basketball movement briefly.


Based on this mapping method,the general analysis method of characteristic multiplier,which is originally aimed at parameter bifurcation,can be used for the study of intermittency,i.

鉴于间歇分谐波与间歇混沌的产生可以从电路耦合滤波的角度进行合理的解释 ,则可以此为基础 ,用参数域上的分叉来映射时间域上的分叉 ,从而使得可以用一般的特征值分析方法 (针对参数分叉 )来实现变换器中间歇现象的分析 (针对时间分叉 ) ,特征值、分叉图及最大Lyapunov指数均表明得到的研究结果与仿真及实验是完全一致的 ,这样便从理论上证明了变换器中间歇现象的产生是由于电路中耦合了寄生干扰信号这一设

This paper studies the phenomena of intermittent subharmonics and chaos in DC DC converters according to the consideration of coupling filter,consequently concludes that the origin of intermittency comes from conducted or radiated EMI.

文章从电路耦合滤波的角度考虑 ,分析了一类间歇分谐波与间歇混沌现象产生的原理 ,确定耦合电路传导和辐射干扰是产生该现象的根源 ,并构造了一个开关变换器模型作为研究对象 ,仿真与实验均得到了相似的非线性现象 ,同时对不同的电路参数集 ,讨论并分析了其对间歇现象产生所起的不同影响 ,为变换器的稳定设计提供信息 。

it is shown that an event sample from the Monte Carlo simulation ofa random cascading α model with fixed dynamical fiuctuation strength isintermittent but not chaotic, while the variance of dynamical fluctuation strengthin different events will result in both the intermittency and the chaohcity behavior.


According to esterification rate mathematical model of intermission polymer process, the on-line mathematical model of continuous polyester process has been built up through the data analysis and processing.


Analyzing the control of the intermission polyester DCS and its advantage and disadvantage from its hardware,software, network function and so on.


In this paper,the author analyzes the intermission time in tennis,and does some researches on how to use the it in competition.


