initial hardness



1)initial hardness,初始硬度2)hardware initialization,硬件初始化3)initial brightness,初始亮度4)initial temperature,初始温度5)initial concentration,初始浓度6)initial velocity,初始速度


With initial brightness and afterglow time as indexes,the effects of calcining heat,mass ratio of urea and nitrate,boric acid mole fraction,mol ratio of Dy and Eu on the preparation technology are discussed.

为了探讨SrA l2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+磷光体的最佳制备工艺,利用正交设计法对合成条件进行了优化,以初始亮度和余辉时间为指标,考察煅烧温度、尿素与硝酸盐的质量比、硼酸的物质的量分数、镝与铕物质的量比对制备工艺的影响。

Na_8+Na_8 collisional dynamics at different initial temperatures;


The initial temperature distribution function of the foundry moulds when heat radiated and infused by hot iron are put forward.


How to determine initial temperature and adiabatic temperature rise is one of the most principal factors for RCC(Roller Compacted Concrete) dam,which will influence the accuracy and quantity of simulation analysis for temperature field.


The influences of the initial concentration,humus and brine on hydrolysis of bispyribac-sodium were studied.


In this experiment,we applied the purified Bt protein into soil to simulate the degradation of Bt protein in soil under natural conditons and study the effect of sterilization,temperature,pH,initial concentration on the degradation of Bt protein by ELISA for the sake of providing scientific basis for the evaluation of eco-environment risks caused by transgenic Bt crops.


The effects of number and size of elements in the contact area in the steady stage of a rolling process as well as the initial velocity of the plate on the finite element analysis were analyzed and reasonable simulation parameters in a rolling process with FEM were attained, which was used to analyze the rolling force regularity of medium plat rolling in one steel work.

分析了轧制过程稳定阶段接触区中厚板单元数、轧辊单元尺寸以及中厚板初始速度选择对有限元分析计算结果的影响, 得出了合理的轧制过程有限元模拟参数, 并对某中厚板厂15道次轧制过程轧制力变化规律进行了分析, 稳定阶段轧制力计算结果与实测结果非常接近。

The program indicates that the initial velocity is a variable.

根据Bridgman 法生长HgCdTe 晶体过程中溶质CdTe 的分布规律,推导了缩短初始过渡区长度、增加组分稳定区长度的最佳初速度表达式,从式中可看出:初始速度为一变数。

Resorting to Runge-kutta method to solve the simply supported axial pre-statically loaded bar s buckling impulse under the half-sin impact load, this paper is to probe into the relationship between buckling impulse, and pre-static load, impact load, initial deflection, initial velocity respectively.

运用龙格 -库塔方法求解两端简支的轴向预静载杆在半正弦冲击载荷作用下的屈曲载荷 ,分析屈曲载荷与静预载 ,冲击载荷 ,初始几何缺陷 ,初始速度之间的关

It includes: 1 .the hardware initialize code when system power on .


It not only initializes the hard disks but also the network as you need a network to mount nfs file systems.

当安装一个nfs文件系统时不但要初始化 硬盘还需初始化网络。

The indicated device requires reinitialization due to hardware errors.


Windows Initialization Files


It provides hardware linking method, baud rate calculation and communication ports initialization.


These codes finish the initializing of the hardware and software environment, it is the key part of designing the embedded system.


If this output does not switch between H and L anymore a hard-ware reset is produced and the processor is initialized again.


Thehardening curve can be divided into three stages, i. e. first, rapid-hardening andsaturated stage.


Winsock is uninitialized

未初始化 Winsock

Snapshot files are always available to immediately initialize new subscriptions


Snapshot files are always available to initialize new subscriptions immediately


"A Setup initialization file has been corrupted.


You cannot initialize the workflow folder while offline.


initialize an APTo select an AP software version

初始化 AP选择一个 AP 软件版本

Event %1.%2 may fire when form is intialized.

初始化窗体时可能激发事件 %1.%2。

The event representing the initialization of the transient provider.


Failed to initiate the module. Please make sure the module file exists.


Usage Analysis Wizard: Error in initializing user control.


